DeneB Classic body filler 10ml with lido

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$100.00 piece
  • Dene B classic-H
  • Dene B classic-S
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Item specifics

Country of origin:
South Korea


DeneB Classic-S

is an injectable filler based on the hyaluronic acid for deep working out of age-related skin changes. The base of the product is cross-linked polymeric form of hyaluronic acid immobilized on the small particle surface. Such a structure allows to introduce the filler to the deep dermal layers followed by elimination of age-related hallmarks including medium and deep folds and wrinkles. High efficiency of the filler is shown if injected to the forehead, cheek-bone and chicks area. In addition, the product works well for lips augmentation. The significant benefit of the product is its half-liquid half-gel consistency that provides long-lasting effect of the procedures without migration of the product from injection area. Another important feature of the filler is a good quality of hyaluronic acid in the product composition that does not cause allergic reactions and side effects. Moreover, DeneB Classic – S is characterized by excellent hydrophilicity and effectively attaches water molecules resulting in general improvement and moisturizing of face skin.


Strengths of DeneB Classic:

polymeric hyaluronic acid in the filler composition effectively penetrates even to the deep dermal layers leading to flattering of deep folds and wrinkles.the product possesses high ability to bind water allowing to use the filler as deep moisturizing agent,the components of the product represent natural compounds of non-animal origin that do not stimulate allergic reactions

If lidocaine is added, the procedures are almost painless and the effects have quite long duration.


DeneB Classic is injected for:

lips augmentation

elimination of wrinkles with medium and profound degree of manifestation

general recovery and moisturizing of face skin

The effect of the procedure lasts from 12 to 16 months.


DeneB Classic

1 syringe x 10 ml


The product has contraindications and can only be used by a certified cosmetologist. We are not responsible for the negative consequences of self-use.

